Whose Using Our Klips – A Top Premier League Football Club

<We at Wheelie Klips® thought that you might want to know about the use of some of our klip products.
We are pleased to announce that Klip ‘n’ Bag is used by a top Premier League Football Club.
Staff at the club said: “The background to why we purchased them was that because as a stadium we have begun to separate out plastic bottles and they are then sent to a company who break them down into pellets which are then reused to make another bottle that is used by one of our partners. To do this we introduced wheelie bins specifically for bottles and found that the bags were not staying in place very well because of the weight. The klips have helped us massively and do exactly what we want so overall we are really happy with the product.”
Another football club in the National League is also using Klip ‘n’ Bag
Well done for caring for the environment. Why not join the football clubs and use our klips?