Wheelie Klips and the Environment


When purchasing our products you can be sure that you are supporting and using an environmentally friendly solution to keeping your wheelie bin clean, fresh and maggot free.


Our clip products and spray bottle are made from recyclable plastic; all our blister and card packaging is recyclable; our Klip Bags bag products are made from 100% recycled grade materials. Don't be surprised if your order arrive in a Boots box or Sketchers box or similar as we try to reuse any suitable boxes where we can. Our Klips are designed to be used over and over again but at the end of their life they can be recycled. All of our products are manufactured within the UK this helps keep our carbon footprint down to a minimum.  

We have no single use plastic.

Using our bags and throwing householder rubbish directly into the wheelie bin, as opposed to using those from a kitchen environment, such as under sink rubbish bin liners or pedal bin, would involve over 52% less plastic going into landfill in respect to keeping your wheelie bin clean.  Thus, not only do you save money by not buying kitchen bin liners or paying for jet washing but you will also be supporting the environment.  Not having to jet wash using water to clean bins the carbon footprint of the use of our products is better.